Our initial coverage of the Westboro Baptist Church’s bigoted, cowardly protests in Richmond sparked some serious debate; especially regarding the nature of counter protests. It is argued heavily (and not without merit) that counter protests simply drive attention to their hateful cause. While it’s true that the two or three WBC idiots get the same amount of media attention as the hundreds of people who show up to oppose them, as we all know, money speaks louder than words. And thanks to the WBC, the organizations they hate so deeply have a ton more money. From Pennies in Protest, via GayRVA:
Dear Westboro Baptist Church,
We wanted to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks for your recent visit to Richmond, Virginia. As a direct result of your visit, our community was united in an overwhelming show of love and support and hundreds of people were inspired to donate to the very organizations you were protesting. Thanks to your presence in our city over $14,000 was raised for the Virginia Holocaust Museum, The Weinstein Jewish Community Center, The Jerusalem Connection, and the Hermitage High School Gay Straight Alliance. In addition, direct donations were made to The Fan Free Clinic, Richmond Friends, Equality Virginia and ROSMY, and organization serving Richmond’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth. We are truly grateful for the role you played in spreading such love and tolerance throughout our community and beyond.
Yours in love kindness,
Pennies In Protest”
Emphasis added by RVA Magazine. Perhaps this whole anti-everyone thing the WBC engages in actually is God’s work, afterall?
…Ha! Just kidding, they’re total dicks. (LINK NSFW, obviously).
Our initial coverage of the Westboro Baptist Church’s bigoted, cowardly protests in Richmond sparked some serious debate; especially regarding the nature of counter protests. It is argued heavily (and not without merit) that counter protests simply drive attention to their hateful cause. While it’s true that the two or three WBC idiots get the same amount of media attention as the hundreds of people who show up to oppose them, as we all know, money speaks louder than words. And thanks to the WBC, the organizations they hate so deeply have a ton more money. From Pennies in Protest, via GayRVA:
Dear Westboro Baptist Church,
We wanted to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks for your recent visit to Richmond, Virginia. As a direct result of your visit, our community was united in an overwhelming show of love and support and hundreds of people were inspired to donate to the very organizations you were protesting. Thanks to your presence in our city over $14,000 was raised for the Virginia Holocaust Museum, The Weinstein Jewish Community Center, The Jerusalem Connection, and the Hermitage High School Gay Straight Alliance. In addition, direct donations were made to The Fan Free Clinic, Richmond Friends, Equality Virginia and ROSMY, and organization serving Richmond’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth. We are truly grateful for the role you played in spreading such love and tolerance throughout our community and beyond.
Yours in love kindness,
Pennies In Protest”
Emphasis added by RVA Magazine. Perhaps this whole anti-everyone thing the WBC engages in actually is God’s work, afterall?
…Ha! Just kidding, they’re total dicks. (LINK NSFW, obviously).