Meet Delegate Joe Morrissey’s Possible Counterpart

by | Oct 20, 2016 | POLITICS

A lawyer from Ohio has had his law license reinstated by the state’s supreme court.

A lawyer from Ohio has had his law license reinstated by the state’s supreme court. That’s not news except the The Columbus Dispatch is reporting the lawyer lost his license after pleading guilty to “53 counts of public indecency, sexual imposition and criminal trespassing.”

Stephen P. Linnen, the lawyer in question, has claimed his addiction to sex lead him to “Surprise women in public areas by wearing nothing but a cap and shoes and then snapping photographs of their reactions.”

That is quite the surprise.

Ol’ Fight’n Joe Morrissey (D-74) might not have the sex addition to blame for his woes, but a laundry list of grievances, from fist fights with opposing counsel to fraud charges, led to him being disbarred in 2002. His license to practice was reissued in 2012, according to the Washington Post.

Now I don’t run, but I figure if these two fellas were to end up on the same dating site, my algorithm would put them as two peas in a pod.

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