How would you like to be a wizard? Evidently a lot of people.
How would you like to be a wizard? Evidently a lot of people. And they are all ready and willing to throw their money at a new Kickstarter project with the hopes of recreating a certain book-based magical world.
Inspired (And approved) by a similar Polish project, the College of Wizardry which runs LARP (live action role-play) getaways several times a year, this local project, the New World Magischola, aims to give attendees a similar experience of entering a wizard’s world for 4 days.
Check out their kickstarter video below:
Alright, I just want to point out on hilarious point here – nowhere on this page does it specifically say “Harry Potter,” and all of the wizard “house names” are different. The same went for the Polish program – but either way I am really surprised HP’s legal department hasn’t caught on to this.
Anywho, the program, hosted at UR, set a goal of 35K over the course of their project, it didn’t take long for them to smash that and hit $280K by today’s story.
“Clearly people were excited about the world and the opportunity,” New World Magischola President Maury Brown told HuffPost.
The HuffPost has some additional details as well:
For $450 a ticket, “students” who attend the event spend three days living on campus and pretending they attend a real school of witchcraft and wizardry. They’ll learn spells from real “professors”, interact with “magical” creatures, and even mix their own potions.
You can head on over to the Kickstarter page and donate or get early access tickets here.
Editors note – headline and text in story might have been misleading – the program is hosted at UR, but not connected to the university. The copy has been updated to clarify.