Despite a history of homophobic jokes, director Tyler Perry is showing himself to be an LGBTQ ally with the plans for his new studio. Tyler Perry is having a pretty great week -- and he’s going out of his way to ensure that others are having one, too. Perry, who is...
The Angular Anger of Large Margin
Richmond's Large Margin go beyond the obvious frustrating aspects of American society in 2019 in order to critically examine their role within that society. They also rock really hard. Any active listener to indie rock in the last half-decade will have noticed the...
Pastor Ericksen Shows The Right Way To Be An Ally
At Oregon's Clackamas United Church of Christ, Pastor Adam Ericksen preaches inclusion, courage, and love -- an example for allies everywhere. Pride Month is traditionally supposed to be a very happy, powerful, celebratory time across the nation for members of the...