


Microdosio Tour Spring 2020: The Microdosio project introduces a new concept from Papadosio. “Microdosio is a brand new show with a small stage plot and a huge sound. We are exploring new sonic territory by shrinking our gear to focus on synths, samplers, drum...

Big Something @ The Broadberry

Big Something @ The Broadberry

A 6 piece powerhouse with a sound that is both unique and timeless, Big Something fuses elements of rock, pop, funk, and improvisation to take listeners on a journey through a myriad of musical styles. It's no secret why this group has quickly become one of the most...

Hiss Golden Messenger @ The Broadberry

Hiss Golden Messenger @ The Broadberry

Describing the Durham-based ​Hiss Golden Messenger​ is like trying to grasp a forgotten word: It’s always on the tip of your tongue, but hard to speak. Songwriter and bandleader M.C. Taylor’s music is at once familiar, yet impossible to categorize: Elements from the...

5th Annual Shack Up @ The Broadberry

5th Annual Shack Up @ The Broadberry

Join us for the 5TH ANNUAL SHACK UP - 2 day indoor/outdoor event packed with live music from 11 bands. HUGE outdoor stage, local beers, delicious eats and all the best people in one spot! Cheers, RVA! ---FRIDAY DAY PASS: $10 ---SATURDAY DAY PASS: $15 SCHEDULE!Friday...