In an irony rich enough to fuel a sequel to his chart-topping hit, Oliver Anthony, the artist behind "Rich Men North of Richmond," is pushing back against an unexpected and, in his own words, "aggravating" endorsement by Republican elites. The song, featured...
Fox News Vilified LGBTQ People on Most Days in the First Half of the Year
The vilification included almost every day of Pride Month. Because why wouldn't it? Rupert Murdoch’s right wing cable channel Fox News vilified LGBTQ people across more than 100 days out of the first 181 days of 2022, according to a just-published report that...
Tucker Carlson Goes Mental Over Stormy Daniels Performing in Richmond
Fox News' Tucker Carlson, the scourge of liberals everywhere, got into a heated exchange with Stormy Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, on Thursday, disparaging Richmond's strip club, The Papermoon; and thus disparaging all of Richmond in the process. The conservative...
Anti-Racism in Action: RVA Mag’s Photo Journal from Washington, DC
This weekend, anti-racists, anti-fascists, student protesters, clergy, and everyday citizens proved that, when it counts, people will stand up against those who would seek to perpetuate violent and vile ideologies. That is not to say that the mainstreaming of white...