FEATURED SHOW Friday, August 3, 4 PM Spooky Cool, Haybaby, Piranha Rama, Castle Of Genre @ Hardywood - Free! It's been a long time coming. Spooky Cool, the band formed from the ashes of psychedelic indie-folk group Zac Hryciak & the Jungle Beat, have been a steady...
RVA Shows You Must See This Week: 11/19-11/25
FEATURE SHOW Stay Sweet Presents: A Say-10 Records Anniversary Party Friday, November 21, 4 PM Tim Barry, Smoke Or Fire, Erik Peterson (Mischief Brew), Chumped, Landmines, Pedals On Our Pirate Ships, Timeshares, The Scandals, Divided Heaven, Kyle Oppold (Arliss...
RVA Shows You Must See This Week: 7/2-7/8
FEATURE SHOW Friday, July 4, 6 PM Fucked Up, Weed, Dry Spell, Slugz @ Strange Matter - $12 (order tickets here: https://fuckedup.eventbrite.com/) July 4 is always a day of celebration around here, but this year the fireworks will be happening onstage at Strange...