I was recently at a neighborhood association meeting when another resident approached me. “I liked your article in RVAMag. It made me think of things in a new way,” they said (approximately -- my memory has never been the best for things like this). This provided a...
Op-Ed: The Tyranny Of On-Premise Parking
Is there something wrong with the fact that parking lots downtown sit empty as residents circle blocks for 20 minutes looking for somewhere to put their cars? Brock Hall thinks so, and he has a theory about how this problem could be solved here in Richmond. My stepdad...
On Park(ing) Day, Celebrating Art Is a Walk In the Park(ing Space)
If you noticed something different about your usual parking space last weekend, you weren’t alone. Last Friday, your favorite parking spot in the city might have been occupied -- not by another driver who found it quicker than you did, but by public art spaces created...