RVA Tank, Parkland Shooting, Democratic-nominee Spanberger, families separated at the border, KKK effigies, Governor Northam, punching Nazis, getting punched by Nazis. It’s been a long year. As we approach the one year anniversary of Unite the Right, the alt-right...
“Active Shooter” Video Game Pulled After Outrage From Parents and School Shooting Survivors
The release of “Active Shooter”, a school shooting simulation game from Russian publisher ACID, was canceled following outrage from politicians, parents, and school shooting survivors soon after the announcement of its expected launch date on gaming platform Steam on...
Rocket Pop Media Encourages Community to Voice Opinions on Gun Reform With NeverAgainRVA
It’s been four weeks since Nikolas Cruz, an 18-year-old senior opened fire with a self-purchased AR-15 on unsuspecting classmates at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Details including texts messages and personal testimonies have been released...