pop punk

Jimmy Eat World Crashes The National This Tuesday

Jimmy Eat World Crashes The National This Tuesday

Veterans of the early-00s emo/pop-punk scene Jimmy Eat World come to The National in support of their 10th album, which further proves that they've got what it takes to survive any flash-in-the-pan musical trend. Dust off your Converse and grab your favorite hoodie,...

Richmond’s Heart Beats to the Sound of Telltale

Richmond’s Heart Beats to the Sound of Telltale

With their latest album, Telltale embraces early 20-something life with a timeless pop punk sound.  Pop punk is alive and well in Richmond. Its heart beats to the sound of Telltale’s timeless message, for those who face the challenges their many pop punk brethren...

Learning How To Love With The Regrettes

Learning How To Love With The Regrettes

Summer is the perfect time for love songs -- especially the ones about endless romances, which drift into brief flings, littered with sunburns that hurt like the burn of the inevitable break-up. The Regrettes, a California band, are looking to soothe that burn this...