This may be the #MeToo era, but here in Virginia, the vast majority of rape cases are still unsolved, and the perpetrators remain unpunished. In the #MeToo era, survivors of sexual assault are feeling more empowered to come forward with their stories. Despite the...
Loose Tweets Sink Ships
Social media hate directed at Catholics and presidential candidates led to gubernatorial appointee Gail Gordon Donegan's resignation. “Abortion is morally indefensible to Catholic priests bcuz it results in fewer children to rape.” These are the words of Gail...
VA State Senator Says Women Who Don’t Carry Guns “End Up Raped”
State Senator and firearm advocate Amanda Chase's comments advanced a dangerous misunderstanding of the causes of rape. If you are not carrying a firearm and get raped, you got what was coming to you -- at least according to Senator Amanda Chase. On July 3, the...
“Scary Time” for Men, Scary Lifetime For Women
When the 45th President of the United States says that it is a “very scary time for young men in America,” he is blatantly discounting the fact that it is always a very scary time for women - young and old - in America. I have more than 100 students in my anthropology...
William & Mary Rescinds Honorary Degree Given to Bill Cosby Amid Sexual Assault Charges
On Friday, Aug. 10, the Board of Visitors at the College of William & Mary announced they had rescinded the honorary degree given to Bill Cosby. The Masters of Arts degree was given in 1993. In a statement that was posted on the William & Mary website, the...