"In my ideal world, I'd want him to resign," said Vanessa Tyson, one of two women to accuse Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax of sexual assault. Vanessa Tyson and Meredith Watson, the two women who accused Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexual assault earlier this year, granted...
#MeToo and #HimToo and the Continuing Fight Ahead
As the nation watched Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, it witnessed the unfolding of a decisive moment in the #MeToo movement. Ford testified that an intoxicated, teenaged Kavanaugh...
Dear Men: Here’s How Not to Treat Women In The Era of #MeToo, Trump, and Kavanaugh
An apparently necessary guide from the women of RVA Mag Good afternoon, male readers of RVA Mag and the world! Between the Kavanaugh/Ford case, #MeToo, and the general fact of having Trump as president, it’s a pretty scary time to be alive. Especially for a man! Man,...
Light Up For Safety: Lyft Brings Amp To Richmond
This summer, Lyft — the fastest growing ridesharing service in the US — began the Richmond-area rollout of Amp, a device designed to make rides safer and more personalized. Amp is a pill-shaped device that sits on Lyft drivers’ dashboards, its front- and back-facing...
“Scary Time” for Men, Scary Lifetime For Women
When the 45th President of the United States says that it is a “very scary time for young men in America,” he is blatantly discounting the fact that it is always a very scary time for women - young and old - in America. I have more than 100 students in my anthropology...