In this month's Amazon Trail, Lee Lynch explains that the right-wing insurrection we're dealing with now in the United States is nothing new. Oh, hell, what can I say at a time like this? Did we think they’d simply go away? When angry white criminals occupied the...
Hate-Motivated Murders Double, Hate Crimes Highest Since 2008
The surge reported by the FBI, a 21 percent increase in the first three years of Donald Trump's presidency, was predictable, but that doesn't make it any less terrible. An FBI report released Monday reveals hate crimes under President Donald Trump are...
Richmond’s Big Heart Collective Shows Heart With Their Charity Live Album
An off-the-cuff pre-pandemic live recording from Big Heart Collective, a fun side project featuring some of Richmond's most talented rockers, has become a fundraiser and statement in support of Black lives. For the better part of 2020, musicians around the world have...
Extremists Trying To Take Advantage Of Coronavirus Crisis To Recruit
Some white nationalists are using the coronavirus as an opportunity to rebrand, spreading their divisive ideas under the cover of pandemic information. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause a severe economic slowdown and, among some people, distrust of the...
Anti-LGBTQ Hate Groups Spike As Trump Embraces Their Leaders
A report from Southern Poverty Law Center found anti-LGBTQ hate groups increased significantly in 2019, even as hate groups overall fell slightly. Anti-LGBTQ hate groups are rapidly growing across America, a result, the Southern Poverty Law Center says, of President...