Stranger Things

RVA Comics X-Change: Issue 10

RVA Comics X-Change: Issue 10

Good afternoon, comics fans! Welcome to not only the first Comic X-Change issue of the new year, but the big whopper - Issue Number 10! For such a special issue, and to kick this brand new year off right, I decided to reach out to one of my very best comic friends and...

RVA Mag Comics X-Change: Issue 7

RVA Mag Comics X-Change: Issue 7

Good afternoon and happy holidays, comic fans of the RVA! Welcome to yet another riveting issue of your RVA Comics X-Change -- your biweekly go-to stop for what is new and good in the land of comics and pop culture! I hope you filled up on turkey and stuffing over the...

RVA Comics X-Change: Issue 3

RVA Comics X-Change: Issue 3

Afternoon, comic fans! Welcome on back to issue #3 of RVA Magzine’s Comic X-Change. We are your biweekly comics information hub on what is new, and you need to keep your lazer focused eye on in the world of comics and nerd culture. This week I had the joy of talking...

RVA Mag Comics X-Change: Issue 2

RVA Mag Comics X-Change: Issue 2

Welcome back, comics fans! We just introduced you to our new comics column a few weeks ago. If you missed it, you can check it out here. The next two weeks in comics are a bit of a doozy with plenty of new (and old) things to check out from the indie racks to the DC...