The Amazon Trail

The Amazon Trail: Tabloid Edition

The Amazon Trail: Tabloid Edition

Bath Door Balks at Booting Hostage! Hostage Trapped for NINETY MINUTES! Suspect Subdued with Electrical Weapon A woman in a remote town in Oregon suffered a harrowing ninety minutes before her rescue by three brave public servants. The woman, who wishes to remain...

The Amazon Trail: The Terminator

The Amazon Trail: The Terminator

This month, Lee Lynch braves corn allergies and emotional sensitivities and goes to the movies for the first time in years -- where she discovers a surprising fondness for the latest Terminator sequel. This week I went to the movies. It’s been a long time since I’ve...

The Amazon Trail: Global Warning

The Amazon Trail: Global Warning

In this month's Amazon Trail, Lee Lynch raises concerns about the possibility for censorship in our increasingly net-based society. I used to encourage LGBTQ (aka Q) people to write by telling them, “We need to make sure they can’t burn all the books.” While the...

The Amazon Trail: The Good Things in Life

The Amazon Trail: The Good Things in Life

In this month's Amazon Trail, Lee Lynch takes time amid our chaotic socio-political climate to enjoy the finer things. Like ice cream. As disheartened as I am about all that is going on in our country and our planet, there are times when I have to appreciate the good...