The old cliché, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, rings true in the work of Jamie Phillips, who uses discarded objects and refuse to create meticulous assemblage pieces. On display through June 9 at Visual Art Studio on West Broad Street, the Virginia Beach...
First Friday RVA, August 2014: Wilderness Medicine
A truth we hold to be self-evident: art makes everything better. And we need plenty of art right now, because these long, hot days of late summer are stultifying. A truth we hold to be self-evident: art makes everything better. And we need plenty of art right now,...
First Friday RVA, May 2014: Final Exams
It's the last First Friday Art Walk of the school year, and all the students are worrying about exams, but for all of us who've seen the inside of a classroom for the last time, it's smooth sailing. It's the last First Friday Art Walk of the school year, and all the...
First Friday RVA, February 2014: At Least It’s Not Snow
First Friday has rolled around once again, and once again, I find myself contemplating the weather. And let me just say that, no matter how much stock you put in this whole "polar vortex" thing, I can tell you for sure that it's been way too cold in RVA this winter....