The white supremacist Chris Cantwell, a major figure during last year's disastrous Unite the Right rally now known as the "Crying Nazi," has been barred from entering the Commonwealth for the next five years. On Friday, he plead guilty to assault and battery for...
Charlottesville Refuses Permit for White Supremacist to Hold Unite the Right Anniversary Rally
*This story has been updated The beleaguered city of Charlottesville has denied a request by white supremacist Jason Kessler for a permit to celebrate the anniversary of the Unite the Right rally next August. The rally held on August 12 ended in a terrorist attack by...
White Nationalist Richard Spencer Leads Torchlit Rally at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville
*This is a developing story. White nationalist Richard Spencer just led another torchlit rally at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville. Spencer, who is one of the most recognizable faces of the alt-right and white nationalist movement held a similar rally in May to...