The internet is taking over the world. Whatever. So what, it can make everything easy and all that, but the world can’t be all “pickle and chips” you know?
The internet is taking over the world. Whatever. So what, it can make everything easy and all that, but the world can’t be all “pickle and chips” you know? I need things that take time to make and that I can hold in my hands or put up on the walls of my filthy apartment. Makes me feel good to know somebody is spending hours working in a hot, sweaty room making great art.
The people at the Print Mafia give me that satisfied feeling with their quality screen printing and design. Copy/paste posters inspired by early punk show fliers with a I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude are a refesher after a day of staring at computer monitors all day. I didn’t know there was anything happening in KY country until I bumped into this stuff. Check it out and for more you can go to