“In this feature from “Dithers”, Ricky Powell interviews his longtime friend, ‘70’s New York graffiti writer Team. Led on a tour through Team’s NYC apartment, Walrus TV gets an inside look on works that were in progress, the development of Team’s tagging and piecing styles, and his attraction to the practice of painting and installation art. ” – Walrus TV
“In this feature from “Dithers”, Ricky Powell interviews his longtime friend, ‘70’s New York graffiti writer Team. Led on a tour through Team’s NYC apartment, Walrus TV gets an inside look on works that were in progress, the development of Team’s tagging and piecing styles, and his attraction to the practice of painting and installation art. ” – Walrus TV
More information
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt5Hiwf1ccw
Walrus TV: http://www.youtube.com/walrustv