Ryan Kent

Ryan Kent is the author of the collections, Poems For Dead People, This Is Why I Am Insane, Hit Me When I'm Pretty, and Everything Is On Fire: Selected Poems 2014-2021. He has also co-authored the poetry collections, Tomorrow Ruined Today, and Some Of Us Love You (both with Brett Lloyd). His spoken word record, Dying Comes With Age, will be released by Rare Bird Books in 2022. Ryan is a staff writer for RVA Magazine and maintains a pack a day habit. (photo by D. Randall Blythe)

stories by Ryan Kent

Peel Your Eyes Back, People: This Is Cannibal Corpse

Peel Your Eyes Back, People: This Is Cannibal Corpse

The first time I heard Cannibal Corpse was in a movie theater on the Dahlgren Naval Base in Dahlgren, Virginia. It was Opening Day for King George Little League, and festivities were held at the field just beyond the armed-guard checkpoint. I was there hours before my...