The internet is a terrible place and it’s an equal opportunity for people on both sides of issues to make asses of themselves – such is the case of a new viral video that shows a local “homeless woman” begging for money before getting in a 2010s-model car.
The video, posted today by Youtube user 1t Productions features a pretty hostile exchange between a cameraman and a woman who has been asking for change at the intersection of Broad St. and Glenside Ave.. It features video of the woman collecting change from cars, sprinting around the median and then finally walking over to her newer-looking car.
Check it out below:
Now we’re not sure if she’s really homeless (she says she’s disabled but doesn’t list her disability) and we don’t know what motivations the cameraman has besides personal beliefs expressed in the video. Either way, it’s pretty cringe worthy and no-one comes out looking that great.
Homelessness here in Richmond is a very real thing; a 2013-14 study from HUD put the total number of Richmond and Henrico’s homeless at about 1,000 people a month. The number goes up and down each month and claims each person is only counted once no matter the program they use.
As for panhandling, a 2014 study by Homeward, a nonprofit group that aims to support homeless folks in the Richmond region, found only 10 percent of “homeless” people panhandle. While the group doesn’t actively condemn panhandling, or support local ordinances that ban the practice, it does note that the best way to help the homeless is to volunteer and donate to local support service providers that are directly assisting those in need.
A list of service providers can be found at, or by calling 2-1-1. Volunteer opportunities can be found at or by calling 2-1-1.
“Professionals working in human and homeless services recognize that all panhandlers are not homeless,” read’s Homeward’s Panhandling FAQ site. “Those who panhandle in our region who are not directly in need of services may see a noticeable decrease in the amount of cash collected from the public. Alternately, our area neighbors that are in crisis will find this reduction in funds from panhandling, along with the outreach approach to the campaign, as a conduit to connect to services.”
As for this video, it’s made the front page of Reddit which means its bound to stir up some shit. There lots of gross stuff going on here, perhaps we can all clean up some by donating time and money the correct way.