Maximishin’s images are haunting and enticing all at once.
Maximishin’s images are haunting and enticing all at once. They capture daily life in Russia (with some shots from Iraq and India in his portfolio, as well) with an intense causality that is reminiscent of Cartier-Bresson’s “captured moment” aesthetic and timing.
BIO: I was born in 1964. Spent my childhood in Kerch,the Crimea. Moved to Leningrad in 1982. Served in the Soviet army as a photographer the Soviet Military Force Group on Cuba from 1985 to 1987. Graduated from Leningrad Politechnical Inctitute in 1991 with a B.A. in physics.Worked in the laboratory of scientific and technical expertise in the Hermitage Museum. Graduated from St-Petersburg Faculty of photojournalism in 1998. In 1999-2003 was a staff photographer for the “Izvestia” newspaper. Since 2003 I work with a German agency “Focus.”
Sergey Maximishin (via BoingBoing)