Dear Richmond,
As we slowly work to piece together the puzzle of our inner world, lightning strikes—and suddenly, everything changes.

At the heart of this week’s spread is the Empress, surrounded by the Seven of Swords and the Strength card.
As the Moon in Pisces shifts into assertive Aries on Tuesday, December 10th, its ruling planet, Mars, also entered retrograde in fiery Leo on December 6th and will last until February 23rd, 2025. This transit may ignite our sense of creativity, inspiring us to take action at the beginning of the week.

On Thursday, December 12th, the Moon will enter the sign of Taurus—encouraging our voice and giving us the strength to find dynamic solutions. And with Uranus, the planet of chaos and change, also in retrograde in the sign of Taurus until January 2025, we can expect a continual release of friendships and relationships that have reached their expiration. With the Seven of Swords present, this may create a challenging mood as we come to terms with the situation at hand. While this process may feel daunting, it is important to remember that we deserve peace of mind and to feel light in our hearts.

The Empress, both nurturing and abundant, calls us back to ourselves, as many of us may need to catch our breath before entering the Full Moon in Gemini on Sunday, December 15th. It is possible that many of us are stepping into our personal power, embracing change, and gaining perspective. For some, a dream journal may come in handy, as this may also serve as a useful tool for self-discovery.
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