Local film collective Good Day RVA are back and have just released a shiny new Guest Sessions video featuring Rick Maguire from the Boston-based indie band Pile.
We’ve spoken to Good Day RVA quite a few times here on RVAMag, but if you’re not familiar, the non-profit group explores and uplifts the local music scene and our greater community via carefully curated music videos and art projects, at no cost to them. They’re also known for their annual music festival, A Good Day in RVA, at Hardywood Brewery which further sheds some light on how diverse our music scene is.
The collective has had this new video up their sleeves for quite some time. It features the first-ever house show at the Good Day RVA house, a local house venue occupied by some of the group’s founding members. Around the time that Good Day members Will Weaver, Chris Damon, Evan Hoffman and Matt Cowan decided to start hosting shows in their house, Weaver had been in contact with Maguire about promoting his tour as he passed through the city.
After telling them that he’d be interested in a house show, they offered up their own basement. The result is the intimate setting captured in the video released today.
The video features two equally captivating songs, “Dogs” and “Raised by Ghosts.” “Dogs”, at the time of the video, was untitled. After Maguire had released it as a single and made plans to release a new album, GDRVA decided that now is a better time than ever to share it with us all.
But fear not- you won’t be watching a video of any old Richmond house show.
Shows around here tend to have a bad rep for being disrespectful to bands by being loud and rowdy while the show is going on. This was not the case for the first Good Day show, and it doesn’t take long to notice how attentive the crowd is.
“I’ve certainly been to [house shows] elsewhere where a band is playing quietly and people are yelling,” said Damon. “One of my favorite aspects about the video is that everybody is quiet. You could hear a pin drop in that room… That’s how captivating Rick’s performance was.”
Though not shot on their trademark 8mm film, the video stands as testament to GDRVA’s quality work capturing important moments in our community and music scene.
The collective has quite a few plans in store for 2017 that we’re also eagerly awaiting. Good Day plans to film another four or five videos within the next few months that you can look forward to. As always, make sure lookout for their fourth annual A Good Day in RVA festival on Saturday, June 3rd at Hardywood Brewery.
As for right now, check out their next live-performance video premier of Richmond band Antiphons at Hardywood Brewery March 17th, where the band will also be headlining, alongside GDRVA’s fave out of town acts Illiterate Light and dollys.
Last but not least, a few shout outs for those who worked on the latest video: