A letter to VCU students from someone who rides their bike through campus

by | Sep 10, 2015 | POLITICS

Hello, former VCU student here!

So, I live near Carytown, and work downtown. I bike to and from work, and I cut through campus. We have to have a conversation, students.

Hello, former VCU student here!

So, I live near Carytown, and work downtown. I bike to and from work, and I cut through campus. We have to have a conversation, students.

Since classes have started, I have had a number of students dart in front of me from in between cars, or walking diagonally from the crosswalk. I know I’m not a big and scary car, but I can assure you that it’s still going to hurt if I hit you. I won’t do it intentionally, but my breaks aren’t nearly as awesome as a cars.

Plus, I’d like to make it home without flying off my bike either.

Now, I can dodge around students fairly easily. But the reason I decided to make a post is something I observed this morning on my way in. At the Grace/Lombardy intersection, I watched as a car almost hit (and I mean, skidded and blown horn almost hit) a female student crossing when she had a red light while on her phone.

If that driver wasn’t paying attention, I would be making a much different post. What blew my mind was after, was I had to yell at a second student to wait for the green for her to cross, as she was attempting to cross immediately after.

Right in front of me.

When she still had a red light.

I don’t know what the issue is, but you guys have got to be a little more aware when you’re navigating campus. I really, really, do not want to witness or be part of an accident.

Can we please do each other a favor–you guys try really hard to cross at the corner, when the little person lights up, put down your phone for 30 seconds and PAY ATTENTION to your surroundings, and I’ll keep paying attention so your parents don’t get a upsetting phone call because you were in a preventable accident.

Thank you!

Top image via VCU Goes Green

Brad Kutner

Brad Kutner

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