Just in from the Virginia Film Office:
Just in from the Virginia Film Office:
Our Untitled Civil War series will be filming between August through to November 2016. This season focuses on the events and people before, during and after the American Civil War. We will be portraying events that led up to the American Civil War, what our country looked like during the war, and how our country was after the War.
We are looking to cast FEATURED, day player ROLES. This is PAID, NON UNION work. Auditions will be held Tuesday, August 2, 2016 in Richmond VA area from 10am- 3pm EST.
We are looking for the following:
BENJAMIN GRIERSON 35 to 45 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray music teacher turned Union Cavalry officer who helped lead Union troops during the Vicksburg Campaign. Must be able to ride a horse. Ability to play the piano is a plus. Non-Union. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond, VA.
MARK TWAIN 45 to 55 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray famous American author who worked very closely with Ulysses S. Grant on Grant’s memoirs. Non-Union. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond, VA.
COLONEL ULRIC DAHLGREN 20 to 25 years old, Caucasian male. Need a young actor who can ride a horse well and shoot a pistol, to portray a young Union cavalry officer who led a daring raid on Richmond in 1864. Non-Union. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond, VA.
LT. COLONEL ELY S. PARKER 35 to 45 years old, American Indian male. Born in New York and first named “Hasanoand” by his Seneca parents, Parker served as a staff officer under General US Grant and was present for Lee’s surrender in 1865. Non-Union. Must be willing to work as a local hire in the Richmond, VA area.
JOHN BURNS 65 to 75 years old, Caucasian male. Burns was an aging civilian and War of 1812 veteran who took up arms and fought for the Union at Gettysburg. Non-Union. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond, VA area.
DR. SAMUEL MUDD 35 to 45 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray Doctor who was arrested and imprisoned for having set John Wilkes Booth’s broken leg after the Lincoln assassination. Non-Union. Beard a strong plus. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond.
YOUNG JEFFERSON DAVIS 22 to 25 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray the future Confederate President as a young US Army officer during the Black Hawk War in the 1830s. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond.
PRIVATE JEFFREY GRAHAM 19 to 25 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray typical US Soldier during the Mexican War in 1847. Must be willing to work local in Richmond, VA.
YOUNG “STONEWALL” JACKSON 22 to 25 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray Jackson long before he earned the name “Stonewall”, as a West Point Cadet and young officer in the Mexican War. Must be willing to work local in Richmond, VA.
ALLAN PINKERTON 40 to 50 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray the Scottish-born detective who founded the Pinkerton National Detective Agency and served as General George B. McClellan’s intelligence chief during the early years of the Civil War. Beards are a strong plus and the ability to pull off a convincing Scottish accent is also important. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond, VA.
IRISH GANG MEMBERS 20 to 50 years old, Caucasian male. Actors needed to portray Irish laborers and gang members involved in the Draft Riots of 1863. Irish accents important. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond, VA.
EDWARD COVEY 28 to 45 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray Edward Covey, a hard man who serves as the foreman on a plantation. Must be willing to work as a local in Richmond, VA.
YOUNG FREDERICK DOUGLASS 15 to 20 years old, African American male. Actor needed to portray the famous Abolitionist as a young man who escapes a life of slavery. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond, VA.
JAMES PETTUS 20 to 27 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray a young Confederate soldier in the famed “Stonewall Brigade” during the Civil War. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond, VA.
SENATOR JOHN SHERMAN 37 to 47 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray American politician and brother of General William T. Sherman. Must be willing to work as a local in Richmond, Virginia.
LYLE COOPER 19 to 27 years old, Caucasian male. Actor needed to portray Lyle Cooper, one of Colonel John Mosby’s Confederate Partisan Cavalrymen during the Civil War. Must be willing to work as a local hire in Richmond, VA.
Send your emails to LHFWcasting@gmail.com no later than 6am on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 to schedule your audition slot. Please attach to your emails a current head shot or photo, acting resume, and time you want your audition.
If you are NOT able attend we are accepting video submissions. Please state in your email, that you prefer a video audition.
Filming dates will take place in the months of August, September, October, and November 2016 in the Richmond Virginia area. We will be filming week days and weekends!
*We are looking for actors from Virginia. All actors must work as local hires (no travel reimbursement, and no hotel will be provided). If you are outside of Virginia, we will consider you, but you must be willing to work as a local hire.