Getting Kicked Out of the Trump Event


Let me start by saying that it was a smart move to remove me from the Trump event at the Greater Richmond Convention Center before the former President spoke on Saturday. It was NOT a wise move to grant me press credentials in the first place.

After over two hours inside the building, a representative from the Trump campaign told me that they checked my social media and said I didn’t represent the radio station WRIR. That’s not true, but I said I was not going to get into arguments. They let me keep the physical press pass but told me that if I tried to come back in, then I would be charged with trespassing.

My day started off seeing a giant line of people just to get inside. The first big name I saw was Virginia Senator John McGuire. He was going around to the crowd with his election signs. He is currently running a primary campaign against Congressman Bob Good, who is one of the most conservative members in Congress.

Trump Event by Goad Gatsby RVA Magazine 2024
Virginia Senator John McGuire, photo by Goad Gatsby

The line stretched with thousands of people, and I spoke to the people who were at the front of the line. An actor named Edward X. Young, who wanted me to interview him, told me that he feels depressed and scared some nights but then he hears Trump speak and believes Trump was sent by God. Again, that man is literally an actor.

Trucks with video boards in support of Nikki Haley drove by the throngs of Trump supporters only to get booed. I walked down the lines asking if there were any Nikki Haley fans just to hear them audibly disgusted.

I was recognized while walking up and down the entrance line. One gentleman asked me if I was part of that organization (meaning ANTIFA). I told him that I wouldn’t be a part of an organization that would be foolish enough to have me as a member.

Before coming in, I spoke to election conspiracy fanatic Ivan Raiklin and surprised him with my knowledge of his Infowars appearances. Then I texted my ex-girlfriend about how I met the guy she says looks like Uncle Fester from the Addams Family. I can’t be too upset with him; he showed me the press entrance.

Trump Event by Goad Gatsby RVA Magazine 2024
Ivan Raiklin, photo by Goad Gatsby

After getting my credentials checked and screened by the Secret Service, I spent the next two hours taking in a Trump rally. The line for snacks was extremely long, and there was no shortage of people who will come up and tell you how they love Trump, including Edward X. Young. I noticed that if you search his name, then you’ll see that the actor gets a lot of interviews.

One person spotted me and told me that he was a follower of my Twitter. He said he is a Democrat from Richmond and despite being a Black Democrat who voted for Biden in 2020, he would vote for Trump in 2024. After trying to explain his rationale, I just asked him if he just liked Trump because he feels powerful? He said while wearing his Balenciaga glasses that he agreed and assumed so did everyone else.

Watching all the Trump supporters reminded me the focus of the rally is not about substance but instead about the aesthetics of politics. So seeing a guy dressed up as Superman with a Trump mask doesn’t seem odd when you realize that it’s like Comic-Con.

The aesthetics mean that John McGuire can feel more conservative than Bob Good even though actions show otherwise. So when the Trump security walks up and says it’s time to go, it’s because you’re the stray mark in their version of picture-perfect confidence.

What might have been my death sentence at the rally was when I started to post about Fredy Burgos. Burgos is a former state Republican official who aligns himself with the Christian Nationalist movement with people like Nick Fuentes. Burgos was removed after stating that he wouldn’t vote for any Jewish politicians. Burgos didn’t seem to have any trouble getting in and appeared to be on the guest list. Sorry to peel back the facade that antisemites love Trump.

More stories from Goad Gatsby can be found HERE


Goad at the Richmond Trump Rally

♬ original sound – Goad Gatsby
Goad Gatsby

Goad Gatsby

A journalist from Richmond and contributor on Open Source RVA on WRIR 97.3FM.

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