Ever found yourself soaked with tears, flailing through the alleys of the Fan, screaming your pet’s name like young Magneto in the opening scene of the first X-Men movie?
Ever found yourself soaked with tears, flailing through the alleys of the Fan, screaming your pet’s name like young Magneto in the opening scene of the first X-Men movie?
Okay, maybe that’s just me…
But for those of you who have suffered the agony of losing a best friend, Richmond Animal Care and Control has a new tool to help you out.
Check out their new “Lost and Found” pet database. Though it’s a bit lo-fi, the new site hopes to allow those who have lost (or found) a pet enter the info in their new website and maybe lead to some families being reunited.
The new system lets people post descriptions and photos of the lost (or found) pet.
Pretty simple, right?
“We are hopeful this site will allow owners to reunite with their pets quickly and to reduce the time these animals spend in the shelter,” said RACC Director, Christie Chipps Peters in a press release sent out recently. The RACC Foundation “Friends of Richmond Animal Care & Control” sponsored the lost/found database upgrade.
So if you lose your dog or cat or whatever you might love more than life itself, take a breath and try using this site before you have a total public meltdown.