The twelfth and final installment in a monthly series in which a hometown Richmonder who has spent over a decade abroad explores the many different neighborhoods accessible by GRTC bus lines to discover the ways transit connects us all. Scott’s Addition: When...
GRTC Connects: Route 5 – Carytown To Downtown
The eleventh and penultimate installment in a monthly series in which a hometown Richmonder who has spent over a decade abroad explores the many different neighborhoods accessible by GRTC bus lines to discover the ways transit connects us all. Carytown: Given just one...
GRTC Connects: Route 78 – Randolph to Jackson Ward
The tenth installment in a monthly series in which a hometown Richmonder who has spent over a decade abroad explores the many different neighborhoods accessible by GRTC bus lines to discover the ways transit connects us all. Jackson Ward: From the wrought iron...
GRTC Connects: Route 2 – Northside to Forest Hill
The ninth installment in a monthly series in which a hometown Richmonder who has spent over a decade abroad explores the many different neighborhoods accessible by GRTC bus lines to discover the ways transit connects us all. Northside: If one were to make a Northside...
GRTC Connects: Route 7 – Union Hill to RIC Airport
The eighth installment in a monthly series in which a hometown Richmonder who has spent over a decade abroad explores the many different neighborhoods accessible by GRTC bus lines to discover the ways transit connects us all. Union Hill: One could hardly find a better...