The Richmond Halloween Parade returned for its 19th year, hosted by All The Saints Theater Company. A Richmond tradition, this parade has always been more than just a celebration—it’s a platform for protest. This year's theme, A Funeral March for Silence, served as a...
Richmond’s Halloween! Vampires, Batman, and A Girl Dressed as a Hot Dog
Ah, Richmond on Halloween—there’s a spectacle for you. Thousands of folks dressed up, stumbling around downtown, some of ‘em probably already looking scarier than the costumes they’re wearing. So we hit the streets, grabbed a few shots to prove it actually happened,...
Halloweek 2024! Our Annual Halloween Guide to Go All Out
For the 19th year running, we bring you Halloweek—a weeklong celebration packed with events and parties that finally give Halloween the respect it deserves. And let’s be real: it is the best holiday in the Universe. Halloween isn’t just for kids anymore—it’s for the...
Come Out and Play 💀 Here is the RVAMAG HALLOWEEK Guide 2023
It’s the week of the best holiday in the Universe and there’s sooo much to do! We want to keep you away from choice paralysis and help you deal with the inevitable FOMO that comes from too many things to do. Here’s a list of all the things you’ll miss (minus the few...