Calling all mecha addicts! The Gundam Base Mobile USA Tour is traveling to various cities across the country to celebrate the remarkable 45th anniversary of the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise. Hosted by the Bandai Hobby US Team, this mobile pop-up event made a stop at HobbyTown Richmond, showcasing everything Gundam to honor the franchise’s rich history and bright future.
With the first episode of the first series in the franchise, Mobile Suit Gundam airing April 7th, 1979, this year marks a 45th celebration of currently includes over 50 television series, feature length films, OVAs (a Japanese term standing for “original video animation” which generally means either films or special length episodes that are specifically intended for the home video market), as well as manga and video games. And we’re not even going to touch on its own market of model figures. While the timelines and plots all vary, for the most part the main overarching story is a space opera about bipedal, humanoid robots that are operated by pilots from the cockpit located in the torso.
The impact of Gundam goes beyond mere entertainment; it has influenced pop culture and the anime industry significantly. The franchise pioneered the concept of “real robot” anime, contrasting with the earlier “super robot” genre that focused on fantastical powers and invincible heroes. Instead, Gundam presented relatable characters facing moral dilemmas amid war, making it a nuanced commentary on human conflict. This shift has inspired countless creators and paved the way for more sophisticated storytelling in anime, earning Gundam a revered place in the hearts of fans worldwide.
Last month, the Bandai Hobby US team brought the Gundam Tour to HobbyTown on Broad Street on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the majority of the day with various activities for fans to enjoy. From a pop up shop where you could by exclusive merchandise to getting your picture taken with a six foot Wing Gundam to testing the newest video game, Gundam Breaker 4 (currently available for Nintendo Switch, PS5 and Steam), to enjoy a free model kit while you vibed out to “Rhythm Emotion” by TWO-MIX, aka one of the main titles from Gundam Wing.
The event remained packed throughout the weekend, with fans arriving early to secure their spot in line, eagerly exploring various displays in the pop-up Gundam mini museum as they awaited their turn. The atmosphere was buzzing with nostalgia as fans shared stories about their favorite series and characters, from the valiant Amuro Ray to the enigmatic Char Aznable.
Fellow pilots, did you miss the event this weekend? The Gundam Base Mobile USA Tour is set to continue its journey from August through October, making stops across the country. To stay updated on remaining tour stops and all things Gundam, you can follow the Bandai Hobby US team on Instagram at @bandaihobbyus.