by | Aug 21, 2017

RICHMOND June 20, 2017: RVA Magazine returns this summer with RVA #29, an overloaded issue that celebrates the style and sound of Virginia’s capital in only a way RVA Magazine can. Brought to you as always from journalists and writers entrenched in the scene, our coverage continues our esteemed legacy of throughout coverage that is as vibrant as it is sharp. For those wanting an accurate depiction of culture in Richmond, look no further than RVA #29 and the style guide it will definitely provide.

R. Anthony Harris

R. Anthony Harris

In 2005, I created RVA Magazine, and I'm still at the helm as its publisher. From day one, it’s been about pushing the “RVA” identity, celebrating the raw creativity and grit of this city. Along the way, we’ve hosted events, published stacks of issues, and, most importantly, connected with a hell of a lot of remarkable people who make this place what it is. Catch me at @majormajor____

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We begin by continuing the conversation around our always-fruitful music scene, as No BS! Brass Band’s Reggie Pace returns to our pages to keep us updated on the activities of local singer extraordinaire Angelica Garcia as she releases her second LP, Cha Cha Palace....

FALL 2019

It’s out! RVA Mag’s 38th edition is a photo-forward issue that focuses on live music, street art, and delicious local food & craft beer — the building blocks on which RVA Mag was built! That’s right, we’re returning to first principles with this issue, just in...


It’s August, it’s hot, and it’s only going to get hotter here in the River City with the arrival on the streets of RVA Magazine #37, our Summer 2019 issue! This one’s bursting all around, with plenty of art, music, news, politics, and more. From the far corners of the...


RVA #36 is our Spring 2019 issue, bringing you the first-rate coverage of central Virginia’s street-level culture that you have come to expect over RVA Mag’s 14 years of existence. Richmond’s artistic community is drawing a lot of attention this year, and in this...


  In RVA Magazine’s 35th issue, we're tapping into a variety of issues that affect us where we live, as well as delving into the untold stories from the nooks and crannies of Central Va's culture. https://issuu.com/snooka/docs/0_rva35_v2-compressed

FALL 2018

In RVA Magazine's 34th issue, we stargaze with astronauts, follow Richmonders to the street art of Johannesburg with RVA Global, check out the city's music scene, feature a popular transgender comedian with GayRVA, and catch up with locals from social movements to...


RVA Magazine's 33rd issue hit the streets this summer. With so much to do in our own River City, it’s hard to get outside and see the rest of Virginia -- but it’s always rewarding. With that in mind, our stories in our 33rd issue take us outside of Richmond and shed a...


RVA Magazine is back with our 32nd issue, a celebration of women in arts, music, fashion, and politics. In a year dubbed the year of women, RVA Mag is bringing the national conversation to the local level and raising Richmond’s voice to a wider platform. While the...
