England’s These New Puritans, continue to experiment with new sounds on their newest venture, Hidden.
England’s These New Puritans, continue to experiment with new sounds on their newest venture, Hidden. The listen overall is enjoyable but, most definitely moody. From the record’s eerie beginning, you know what you’re getting yourself into. Structural, all tracks are put together well, using defined prominent percussion, a haunting lyrical style and a gritty atmosphere to give the Hidden life. Where the album succeeds the most is the albums longer tracks, otherwise, the shorter songs sometimes feel less sustaining and more like interludes. Hidden is worth multiple listens to catch the many layers the band has composed in each song. – David Baker
On ‘All Across the Nation’, Knifing Around Fights Back with Big Beats and Bigger Ideas
Knifing Around, the dance-rock band known for delivering bold, politically-tinged grooves to Richmond’s music scene, sat down with me at Bamboo Café last Wednesday. I caught up with singer Owen Martin (he/him) and bassist/synth player Jack Wolfe (they/them) to talk...