First off, thank you for supporting our completely independent DIY media platform. Everything needs to start from appreciation, and so thank you.
Second, this might be the most challenging project we’ve ever put together; just so much information to wade through. Over 600+ musicians were suggested through your comments on our post from a few weeks ago, and we listened to every single artist who was tagged.
Honestly, it would have been way easier to just showcase our own personal year-end favorites, like every other media outlet in town, presenting ourselves as all-knowing experts on the entire city’s music scene.
However, that really didn’t make sense — this should be made with input from you, our readers, who are the real experts on what is going on out there. Our coverage should follow what you are telling us about the local music you want to read, see, and hear about more. That’s how all this gets better for all of us.
So, let’s kick off 2024 with an appreciation for the musicians who are doing it and doing it well.
Oh, and if you are interested in Richmond music history, check out our THE RICHMOND MUSIC CATALOG 1980-2021 series from a few years ago!
Also, for those looking to show their support we have a Patreon HERE and a new online store HERE.
And last thing, check out our Sound Check local music video series HERE
Main image by Hosein Zanbori