821 Cafe

RVA Foodie Spotlight: Chili Bowls & Pork Chops

RVA Foodie Spotlight: Chili Bowls & Pork Chops

Its been a hard year on the local restaurants. Quite a few closings have happened over the past few weeks. This amazing food community is holding on as best it can. We here at RVA have been posting lists of delivery and dining spots, and posting these Instagram...

New Nils Westergard mural goes up behind 821 Cafe

New Nils Westergard mural goes up behind 821 Cafe

Richmond muralist Nils Westergard does most of his wall murals in Europe, Australia, and other places like New York and California, but not much here in his hometown. Richmond muralist Nils Westergard does most of his wall murals in Europe, Australia, and other places...