With their brand new comedy club set to open downtown later this month, Michael and Carrie Sands of Sandman Comedy Club want to take Richmond's comedy scene to a new level. Scrolling through the internet one day, I came across an advertisement for a new comedy club...
Nine Pillars Fest Stands Up For Charlottesville Hip Hop
Nine Pillars Hip Hop Cultural Fest, Charlottesville's own homegrown hip hop festival, returns for its third year with more hip hop music, art, and culture than ever. Returning for its third year, Charlottesville’s Nine Pillars Hip Hop Cultural Fest begins Monday,...
RVA ON TAP: Let’s Get Fruity
What’s happening, craft beer lovers of RVA?! Welcome to this week’s RVA On Tap, RVA Magazine’s weekly column for all your craft beer-related events, releases, festivals, and all the booze news your hearts desire. If you missed the last column, you can check that out...
Tarot, Reiki, and Incense: Investigating the Paranormal at Psychic Saturday
The cards don’t tell me when I’m going to die—which is a bit anticlimactic—but they do give me further insight into the mysterious world of the paranormal. Welcome to Psychic Saturday. As a budding paranormal investigator, I'd found myself at Psychic Saturday, a small...
RVA #30: Scott’s Addition’s newest brewery, Manchester’s Twisted Ales, & new brews at The Veil
Originally printed in RVA #30 FALL 2017, you can check out the issue HERE, or pick up your copy around town today. Väsen: A Swedish word that roughly translates to “inner essence” or “animal spirit.” Also, a new brewery in the quickly developing Scott’s Addition...