In 2012, the Los Angeles Film Festival premiered A Band Called Death, an American documentary by Mark Christopher Covino and Jeff Howlett that introduced the masses not just to a band that started the punk music genre, but to the nearly four-decade journey that it...
Death steals the show: Fall Line Fest at the National, Day One
There's going to be a lot of words used to describe the second year of Fall Line Fest in Richmond this past weekend in this review. Amazing, wonderful, unforgettable, stylish; you get the gist. Really though, there's only word that matters when you describe Fall Line...
Fall Line Fest Releases Official Lineup For 2014 (Updated)
Ladies and gentlemen, the lineup for the second annual Fall Line Fest, taking place on September 5 and 6, 2014, has just been released! Ladies and gentlemen, the lineup for the second annual Fall Line Fest, taking place on September 5 and 6, 2014, has just been...