Ahmed Al-kadri is a comedian, writer and actor with a vibrant career in stand up comedy, and now he's coming to Richmond to showcase his talent in a stacked show at presented by Traverse Comedy at Strangeways Brewing with fellow comedian Randolph Washington Jr., and...
City Of Comedy: Catching Up With Jack Parker and Will Minor
Comedy has been alive and thriving over the past year, with more open mics, more showcases, and more people trying to be involved than ever. I see this happening everywhere from national acts to the local level. Sandman Comedy Club has opened the door for more curious...
Traverse Comedy Wants to Help You Believe in Your Comedy Dreams
Mary Jane French knows a thing or two about making someone laugh. Whether you have seen her stand up at open mics or showcases, or have seen one of her recent shows around town with her comedy production team, Traverse Comedy, I’m sure you've laughed at at least a few...
Good Beer For Good Change
Virginia craft breweries are participating in the Black Is Beautiful initiative, raising funds for charities supporting people of color and creating their own spins on a collaborative recipe. We caught up with Hardywood and The Veil to learn about their take on the...
Eat Local! The RVA Mag Guide to Supporting Restaurants During COVID-19
The current situation may be tough on local business, but many restaurants in Richmond are opening up options for delivery and pickup orders to help get past the worst weeks of this pandemic. Here's how you can help, while scoring delicious eats in the process! While...