“If President Biden wants to truly celebrate the spirit of Juneteenth, he needs to take bolder action instead of well-intended half-measures that don’t come close to solving the problem.” Juneteenth is a day of joy when we celebrate the end of slavery in the United...
Op-Ed: Virginia Plans To Honor Slaveholders & Confederate On New Women’s Monument
By planning the inclusion of slaveholders and Confederates in the Women's Monument, Chelsea Higgs Wise states that Virginia is undermining what should be a triumph of inclusion. It's the 400th year since the first Africans were trafficked to the shores of Virginia,...
Op-Ed: True Equity For Richmond Must Include Law Enforcement
One year after the death of Marcus-David Peters, Chelsea Higgs Wise says that if Richmond wants to talk about equity in matters involving the budget, the city must also talk about equity in matters of law enforcement. It's been one year since Marcus-David Peters...
Op-Ed: The Future Is Femxle: Mute Misogyny In 2019
Starting 2019, it's hard not to feel some relief compared to the past two years. 2016-18 were -- to put it bluntly -- trash years for black womxn. But let’s not discount some of the victories we’ve achieved and shared together. Keep in mind, within the entire...
Black Artists Claim Their Own Creative Space in Manchester
For black creatives living in Richmond, it’s not enough to follow the trends and changes in our ever-shifting city. While all artists have to stay relevant and engaged with the broader culture, there are extra challenges black artists face. A partial list of the extra...