Looks like we all made it through another Thanksgiving — and more importantly, another trip through the retail hellscape that is Black Friday. So today, if all you really want for “Giving Tuesday” is for someone to give you a kiss: never fear, Missed Connections are here.
And from crushes on EMTs with nose piercings to guys from out in the country who want you to call them “Farmerdad,” we’ve got all kinds this week. Lots of love for people in the midst of their jobs, too — not just EMT trainees but hookah bar bouncers with grabby hands, GameStop cuties with cool shirts, flight attendants struggling through record numbers of mean drunks, and more! It’s a bonanza of job-holders out there, and Missed Connections is just the tip of the iceberg.
Before we expose the rest of the glacier to the sunlight, though, we do need to make one essential grammar-related note: believe it or not, “were” and “where” are two different words. Even in Martinsville.
Spell it right, Virginia.
I used to live n va (Richmond)
You got caught cause u recorded us, i felt bad cause i didn’t support you during that time… i apologize. 10 years time has passed but sorry.
EMT trainee w/ nostril piercing (West End)
You came in today looking for some synthetic. We talked for a while and you commented me on my eyes when you left. I wanted to say more but I was at work. You were so cute I wished we had more time to chat. Hit me up if see this.
brass shelf holders (Shortpump)
Looking for the lady in long puffy coat. I think you are very good looking. Showed you how to use an app…
GameStop Employee (Virginia Beach)
You said you liked my shirt, and I said I liked yours. You seemed really cool and I wish I wasn’t too nervous to talk to you more.
Also Craigslist stop flagging my posts challenge I’m begging
Lower Wards Rd Food Lion Stocker (Lower Wards Rd)
Happy Thanksgiving!! So wanted to telll you bless you as you sneezed. Love your curly hair and goatee
To: unnapreciated flight attendants…
I just had to reach out and thank each of you for what you do everyday! It is a critical occupation, but people treat you all like crap everyday! I am not sure where or why it became okay to treat you all with such a lack of respect!
People get to the airport and check their brains at the door…and their understanding of what each of you do, and why you are really there…and the fact that you ARE an integral part of the Flight Crew!!
Bless each of you!!
To the pathetic haters who need to flag because that is the ONLY power you may have in your life…so if this is you…then flag away as it may bring that tiny amount of satisfaction to your sad existence…
Do a crossword in ink (Virginia Beach)
Why do you keep doing this to me? I’d love nothing more than to talk to you right now.
You where handsome (Martinsville)
In Kroger in Martinsville. I was in a hurry I had a few things in my arms I had spotted you once. You wore boots and a cowboy hat. You had dark hair and where fairly tall, you also had on a flannel and blue jeans. You had a shopping cart and you where walking along side the sandwich meats I think. I had a black coat on and purple snow boots. We made eye contact as I sort of rushed by and said excuse me. You smiled and nodded and I’m sure I did too. I should of turned around to at least ask your name. I know this is a really long shot but…maybe. If you this this is you and your interested in at least talking email me. If can tell me what color the flannel was you where wearing and if it was short or long sleeve, and the brand of jacket I was wearing or any other details.
This past Friday, 11/26, You were in a backwards grey vans hat and shoes. I was in a leopard sweater. We kept making tons of eye contact and I went to the bar to write down my number and you were gone. Been thinking bout you.
The Shop Around The Corner is where I work and you come in occasionally. Is your name Clara ? I always call you my Dear Friend.
Hookah Bar Bouncer (Arlington)
You worked at Andalusia on 23rd Street in Arlington last Saturday, November 20th, and you felt me up and I liked it. If you’re interested hit me up here or on kik DMV. Baddie
Mary from Delayed Southwest Flight from Dallas on 11/1 (Arlington)
I was seated next you on the very delayed SW Flight 3756, Monday, November 1. I wasn’t bold enough to ask for your number. I was captivated by you — your attitude, your dry sense of humor, and realism. I hope we can hang out again. you’re a rarity. If you this see this, please let me know where you were originally coming from.
Auto Bell Hpt Saturday 11/27 (Hpt)
Sweet cashier, great salesman, very cute, Matt. Maybe hangout?
Trying to locate my younger friend who helped me around my little homestead, he liked animals and was into farm chores. Definitely was on top of things. He went to visit friends and did not return. If you get this and would like hanging out again contact me. I am older, you were in your late 20s and you called me Farmerdad.
Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash.