It’s spring, the flowers are in bloom, vaccinations are happening, and here in the Missed Connections, we’re seeing a new and unexpected phenomenon — people developing crushes on their vaxers! Multiple tales of falling for the person who gave you the shot await the reader in this week’s crop of Craigslist hits.
But there’s plenty more fun to be had below, from motorcycle classmates to turtles (not necessarily of the ninja persuasion, but who can tell for sure?). And then there’s the guy in the 3D dog mask — which sounds like something from a BDSM story, though if it can be worn in Kroger, I’m probably on the wrong track.
Of course, it could be worse — as dudes slowing down their vehicles to creep on women (especially women of color) will hopefully learn eventually. Think twice next time, guys — an apologetic Missed Connection is likely to stay missed. Ask all the lovelorn correspondents we’ve published over the years.
Keep it chill, Virginia.
guy with the eyes at 7-11 gas station (the Fan, Richmond VA)
Such a lovely lil interaction. Hopin’ for more 🙂
Looking for lil miss dangerous (Union branch)
We were in motorcycle class together and I told you to call me if you were looking for a riding buddy. I shoulda just told you to call me, I can’t stop thinking about you. I was the older white guy who was “just wrong”. I’d love to hear from you. You have my number.
Fire and Rescue Leesburg (Dulles Mall Medic)
You are such a kind and handsome man! I don’t know what your situation is or if you’ll see this but GODDAMN did you make my day! We were talking about FB groups and cracking up! Oh, your sleeves rock, btw!
Thanks for the jab 😉
Missing My PH and Turtles (Bon Air)
I feel like my life ended when you parted GG. I had so much vested in you. I would’ve done anything for you, the turtles, and others.
Already demonstrated that I’d give up anything. Check.
We were just starting. I know I couldn’t give you what you wanted then. That was then. Please…
Just want to make you happy. Someday.
Re: Are you there frog, it’s me toad
Wash your muddy underbelly, then mayhaps, we can meet at the lily pond & feast upon rhizomes
we almost bumped into each other in the fan thrift parking lot Thursday late aft (Richmond)
You were walking out of the fan thrift 3:45 ish
I was going in.
You WF Curly blonde hair about 5’5.
I was the tall white male we almost bumped into each other in the parking lot.
We should definitely meet for drinks.
I know you smiled. I could see it in your eyes.
I hate these masks.
gold gym gayton crossing (Henrico)
to the guy in yellow shirt and baseball hat with a black short and tennis shoes black. i see you and i want to say that you are cute. Me! brunette with a long sleeve tight shirt and white short doing squat and leg day. you wouldn’t probably see this, but i just want to get to know you and probably go for a walk. who knows if you would ever see this post but i would see you next time at the gym!!! 😘
Saw you on 64, you were driving a white jeep smoking a huge cigar. You were hot
We never got the chance to become something. Not sure that you even wanted to. I enjoyed every time we had the chance to talk. My brain often went fuzzy on me, like my IQ dropped to allow for my hormones to rise. You left around Xmas, joined up in what I know you’ll be wonderful in. You left though before I could ever hope to make a move and let you know I was interested.
So this is me, letting you know I wish I had the opportunity to get to know you better.
P.s.- If you do see this, type the place we worked together in the subject line so I know it’s you.
I seen you a few times while waiting for the bus we even had a small convo before the bus pulled up . I’m the chunky girl with piercing and tattoos . You said your name is mike and got your tats done in Cali … I would like to talk to you more but I’m shy !!!
Guy wearing 3d dog mask 4/13 Kroger on Electric
I know this is a long shot but maybe someone knows him?
Kroger on Electric mid-afternoon. 4/13
You were wearing a 3d dog mask and combat type boots. You were walking out of the store, I commented that I loved your mask. You replied that you liked my Beetlejuice mask. You seemed very polite.
Cute medical staffer who vaccinated me at Convention Center – call me? (Washington)
You (a man with blonde hair, likely 20 or 30-something) gave me the pfizer covid vaccine around 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 15 at the Convention Center. I also have blonde hair, and wear glasses. You asked me about my job and we talked about that for a bit. If you’re a guy who’s also interested in guys, send me an email! I thought you were cute and figured I’d shoot my shot since, uh, you gave me mine. Sorry I didn’t ask for your name.
Dad in Camo Hat at Home Depot (Braddock Rd Annandale)
I was the guy looking at support rails in the bath fixtures section, you were looking at faucets.
You had on a camouflage ball cap, Ramones t shirt and camouflage shorts. I was wearing blue jogging shorts and a red shirt. You stood about a couple inches shorter than me but you were well built with a Dad gut.
You gave me advice on the support bar that was helpful. We ran into each other in another section a few minutes later and had an even more interesting conversation that was even more helpful.
Hope you see this, get in touch, let me know what we were chatting about and let’s continue that second conversation.
Black woman walking dog (20th & S Eads) (Arlington)
Hi. I was looking at you as I was driving. I think it upset you and you might have said something. If you see this, I want you to know it’s not because you’re black and that I might have issue with that; it’s because you are hot so I had to get some eye candy.
Again, please don’t be offended as there was no intent to offend. I just saw someone good-looking and had to watch as I went by.
Stay safe.
Exchanging glances in the veg aisle (Old Town HT)
You, incredibly handsome wm. Me, also handsome wm. We were both in the veg aisle today at HT. We exchanged glances a number of times.
I, had someone with me, otherwise, I would have loved to say hello.
If, by some great stroke of luck, you see this, would be great to have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.