Is there anything more alluring than the thrill of traveling: the precipice of stepping into the unknown, the enchantment of far away lands, the freedom of an open road? Or just having some stranger at an airport of a roadside rest stop eyeball you up and down like a travel-sized toothpaste? Well, if that’s your bag, then this week’s Missed Connections are right there with you.
From saucy domestic flights with mustachio’d men, road-side encounters at rest-stops, and dashing encounters at a highway Cracker Barrel, there is a little something in here for every discerning adult looking for love.
As Shakespeare once said, “Speak low if you speak love.” Get amongst it, Richmond.
Cute Blonde in the Green Shirt: Michael’s on Midlo Tnpk
I commented on one of your tattoos, would love to have a cuppa with you. Interested? Reply with the tattoo I commented on.
Cracker Barrel – 10/7, 6:30 pm, patron, W, 65+ (Mayland Ct)
You were consuming your pancakes and we engaged in conversation twice.
Once, about a childhood game of yours displayed on the wall. Another, about your prior days of competitive athleticism.
The staff said you’ve been frequenting that establishment for many years, and they all appeared to know you.
In the end, I really enjoyed your conversation about various things of yesteryear.
I wouldn’t mind chatting again sometime?
Walking a little Black Puppy: Church Hill
You were [walking] your puppy, I was looking for my pets. Just want to tell you, thank you for looking with me. I did find them, they were in the basement on the pool table, they never come in the house, weird. But thank you
Old Dominion Concert: Innsbrook
You were the tall blonde with glasses and (I think white shorts). We stared at each other every time we walked by (tall guy).
My friend got sick right as I was about to come over and say hi.
Maybe send me a pic or your name and i’ll find you on FB?
La to Dulles to Richmond / Mustache Man
you – young guy with a mustache that came from LAX to Dulles then to Richmond. we made eyes a couple times on the flight to Dulles. i was thrilled to see you on my flight to Richmond. you were wearing a maroon shirt and were really cute.
me – young brunette in a multicolored sweatshirt that smiled at you
if you’re my mustached man – what item were you carrying on the flight to Richmond?
Rest Stop 95S to 85S: Rest Stop Fredericksburg
I saw you at a rest stop on 95S near Fredericksburg. We made eyes. I followed you back onto 95S, we weaved our way through Richmond and then onto 85S. Totally road flirting! You pulled off into a rest stop I didn’t see and missed.
I was driving a beautiful gray Jeep with a Capitals decal on the back. My hair is strawberry blonde.
Flight from Chicago to Richmond
We sat next to each other waiting on our flight from Chicago to Richmond, love your smile, you caught me few time[s] looking at this beautiful face. Wish I can see you again!