It’s the Tuesday after Easter, and you know what that means! That’s right, the leftover Easter candy is half off at the grocery store. Also, spring has fully sprung, and the lovely Easter weather has apparently set hearts around the Commonwealth aflutter — at least if this week’s Missed Connections are any indication.
It seems everyone is hitting the gym, trying to get in shape for wearing a lot less clothing in the near future. It’s not going unnoticed, either — lots of gym flirts in this week’s selection. Though, guys, let me tell you, no matter how much you love your workouts and sincerely intend it as a compliment, telling a girl she has huge calves is… maybe not the best way to word it? Tell her she has great legs. We all love hearing that.
When all else fails, Virginia, just smile. This week’s Missed Connections are proof that it works for a lot of people.
You stopped me and complimented my flowers… I thanked you and asked if you’d like one, but you declined because of the remaining length of your walk. I wish we could have talked more but we both had places to be. I know this is a long shot, but…. 🙂
Green Jumper on Easter (Carytown Kroger)
I think I probably blushed. I was browsing in the coffee aisle, and when I saw you my breath caught and I stepped back to let you pass. You smiled at me, and I managed to rasp “Hi.”
It was about 1 on Easter Sunday, I was wearing a bright gingham shirt and khaki pants. You were in the green jumper and radiant.
I made another circuit of the store and then lingered up front, but didn’t see you again. I’d like to.
To the Gorgeous VBSPCA volunteer. (Holland Road)
You fell in love with my dog on the outside bench. I really appreciate the attention you gave him. I Wish I could get some of that attention.
You were pumping gas at Wawa, Pump 1 to be exact. You straight away recognized my New Yorker accent. Just wanted to say that you’re gorgeous, and hopefully you’ll let me pump your gas next time 😉
You: short blond; soooooo cute! Goodwill, Saturday morning, Bailey Bridge. Get back to me. I’ll describe the situation.
Powhatan Walmart Sat Night (Powhatan)
About 9:45 pm tonight Sat April 20. You had already checked out, I was waiting in line. You were still standing there talking to a friend who was taking forever…..You told her to call you, since she was taking too long….and you left before I got to check out and say anything to you….all I can say is WOW!! Email me!
Kroger Willow Lawn Easter 3:30 pm (23230)
You tall, straight hair past shoulders brunette. You were with??? Guy with short gray hair. Maybe brother. Lotsa eye contact between us. If int like to hear from you.
Mech Kroger. Black white dress. Blonde hair. Didnt buy much. Calves were huge. Legs were very in shape. Who are you.
We see each other in the am and at pm sometimes…I told you today that I took one of your ab workouts…hmu
Planet fitness (Elizabeth city)
You catch my eye often when we cross paths in the gym. I haven’t wanted to come forward because I’m not sure if you’re married or not. If you read this maybe it will start our conversation. I’m a white male seeking female.
I see you at the Y. You work out hard and you are really making progress. I want to just come up and talk to you but I’m nervous. I feel like you are way out of my league. If. by chance, you see this and would be interested in talking, maybe we can. Fingers crossed!
(Spencers) Store (Bat Girl) (Chester)
I was in such a hurry last sunday I should have stopped and talked for a few more.You spoke Spanish really well said your X was Spanish and you were a batman fan.Hope to catch you again.Justice League Member lol.You were awesome by the way for the short chat we had.
Fairfax building, lady at the gym (North chesterfield)
I was repairing a mailbox name plate, you came out of the gym while working out to ask if I needed help. You said you liked my green work uniform. Thank you for your compliments, that made me feel very good! I hope you had a nice day as well.
you…older woman medium height, blue had your car remote battery replaced. We exchanged glances a few times.
me..older gentleman with goatee. I’d love to buy you a cup of coffee sometime. This is a long shot I know.
Traded smiles at Huguenot and Forest Hill (Bon Air)
We traded repeated smiles while I was at stop light at Forest Hill and Huguenot. You were a pedestrian, looked back at me. Definitely some interest in you. Hope you see this.
Pretty Smile (Texas Roadhouse)
Our tables faced each other and we shared a few smiles. Would love to talk some and see that smile some more. We have something specifically in common, let me know what that is so I know it’s you. I can tell you what you are called.
You Riding a Harley on VB Blvd; Me Blue Volvo (Norfolk)
I was checking out your bike when we were at the stop light. It occurred to me later that you were checking me out.
Let’s ride! I don’t have a bike — I’ll need to hold you tight if you go fast. You were wearing a T-shirt about military vets who surf or some such. I was in a blue Volvo SUV.
You would read here everyday; as a man of routine. I know you still do. You read, looking for a missed connection, as it is right in front of your face.
Your wife is here waiting for your affection and attention. You need to forgive (not asking to forget). By doing so, you will not only build what you are blocking but be better than ever before.
Stop blocking your blessings, put aside your pride and be the man you are.
Farmers Market today (Farmers Market)
I Stared at you so hard at the farmers market this morning. You wear wearing a white skirt and you have red hair and tattoos. I had on a a white drivers cap and my sons we’re havingb there arms painted while you at your both and you had water from a purple children’s elephant cup. We caught eyes as I left with my family.