Best Of VA Missed Connections March 27 – April 2

by | Apr 2, 2019 | RICHMOND NEWS, WTF?!

Welcome to this week’s Missed Connections, where it seems that the season for hollering at redheads continues. Spring is also here (even if it’s pretty cold this morning…), and you can tell by the people out riding bikes, walking dogs, and checking out fine hotties.

In other news, people are offering keys to their chastity belts, which if nothing else sounds like a pretty kinky way to spend an intimate evening. This week also introduces what sure seems to be a Missed Connections alternate-reality game. Hey, if nothing else, it’s healthier than getting obsessed with the QAnon conspiracy.

But remember, y’all, just because the cashier at Home Depot compliments your wood, that doesn’t mean she wants to get you in the sack. She might just appreciate a fine grade of lumber.

Get building, Virginia.

3 guys holding hands (Barns noble Lynnhaven)

Wow thanks I was not born in an era place that we could do that it would have meant danger to me. Enjoy your freedom.

Help me Out (VCU)

Have you used the missed connections page to find someone you saw in public, for hook-ups, etc? Interested in telling your stories? I’m looking to take portraits to record peoples stories of the missed connections page, for a documentary photography project I’m currently working on. Identity will not be revealed, but I will want to take a few photographs of you, so that part is necessary. Email me for more info and with any questions you may have. Looking forward to it.


BEAUTIFUL REDHEAD!!! (carolina ave)

WOW one of the MOST beautiful women i have EVER seen! i let you ahead in line, you probably wont see this though. i hope to run into you again there

I will be there today 11AM… maybe ill get to see you again? lol

what color an make is your car?

UMMM BIG BOOTY!!! (7-11 E Laburnum)

umm that BIG BOOTY, my junk was getting hard, watching you just slightly giggle it and your thighs at the counter in 7-11, imagining, skanking it and see HOW much more it would giggle, especially in yoga pants UMMMM!!!!

what color were your pants today around 2:45 PM

Elizabeth! (Cfield)

You are GORGEOUS! I LOVE tights and skirt season, and am seriously looking forward to skirt and heel season at work….i would SOOOO give you the key to my chastity!

Missed Connections Success Rate? (Richmond, VA)

I am just wondering if there has ever been success on here. I mean, what are the actual odds that you made some sort of connection with some stranger in the world, they felt it too so while at the same time you decide to post about it here, the other person is also thinking I hope they post on CL missed connections, let me scour it to see if they did?

Do you think that actually happens?

Asking for a friend

At Lemon, Sunday night

I was there with my Mom and asked you your name. I think I’m in love.

Wolf Clues (Mechanicsville)

How to catch a wolf?

Dangle a certain married wf in front of him. New clue s each day!

teal bike-brown handle bars

you were riding your bike. it’s maybe mint- with brown handle bars. you ride with no hands. wear a light gray hoodie with a fanny pack across your chest. 6:31pm march 28th you pass en su boca, and me, on boulevard. who are you??

Still searching (Short Pump)

Had a couple of guy friends out that way but we lost touch. Transguy, early 30’s here. HMU if you think it was you

red hair with banadana (southside loc)

You have a pretty smile and apparently remember my order. I was already stumbling through sentences every time I saw you, but today was a doozy. If you’re available, I want to know you more about you.

colleen b

its been over 15 years. your phone number used to end with 6969 haha! you had a nick name for me. big….

if you get this email back.we will go from there. location isn’t exact.

Home Depot Cashier (West Broad)

You’re the sexy blonde cashier that works by the Pro’s desk; I keep laughing how you kept commenting on my nice wood. I don’t care about your current situation…. You’re the whole reason I go into that store. I’ll see you Friday?

Happy Birthday (Chesterfield)

Happy Birthday. Hope its a great one. Wish I could shower you in love. I miss you 🙁

Spivey Truck 7-11 (Cold Harbor Rd)

You came out of 7-11 and caught my attention. Talk,tan pants with a cap. Dark hair. I thought you were cute and hot. I’d like to get to know you better.

White Jeep/Red Jeep (360 towards the riva)

You drove a white Jeep Cherokee and I was in a red Jeep Rubicon. We played car tag all the way down 360 today . Wish it could be more . If you see this email me .

Walking your dog in Westover Hills (KW Road)

You were walking your dog last Thursday around noon-I was sitting on the steps of a house I was working on, talking on the phone. You smiled and said “Hi”- You made my day, in a very big way- Thank You. That is all

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