Best of VA Missed Connections January 8 – January 14

by | Jan 14, 2020 | RICHMOND NEWS, WTF?!

Welcome to another installment of Missed Connections, where this week we learn that cutting your finger so bad you end up in the ER means you definitely know how to have fun! Does your nurse want to have fun with you? Or has she seen too many trainwrecks while she’s on shift to even consider it? You’ll never know if you don’t post!

We’ve got a lot more knowledge coming this week as well, from a word association test for which I’m bummed not to have the answer key, to the shocking revelation that kik users can be poetic. Never saw that coming.

Plus, we’ve got a surprising amount of interest in socks (I’m blaming the cold weather and the high number of foot fetishists on Craigslist), grown men falling in love with the babysitter, and a whole bunch of Walmart shoppers. Considering we all just paid for the holidays, though, I suppose we’re all Walmart shoppers these days.

Get those bargains, Virginia.

Cut finger (ER)

To the nurse that tended to me, I figured what the hell…. I like to have fun, and I know you do too! Interested in throwing some back and getting into something??

Word test for men

If you know what these have in common please contact me!

Churchill, vand, foot, cap, gordo, realm, griffin.

Only some will know!

Feeling Lost (Matoaca)

Just wanting to chat. Been feeling down for the past few days. Tired of the dating scene. I’ve lost hope that there is someone out there for me


It takes a warm smile to make a man melt in this weather. Thank you for brightening my afternoon.

Wegmans Midlothian (Midlothian)

I was at Wegmans this afternoon and made eye contact with a beautiful redheaded woman. We ran into each other a few time and exchanged smiles. You were wearing a baseball style shirt. I’d love to chat, maybe have coffee. 

Two days in a row (RVA)

We’ve made eyes two days in a row at different spots, groceries and coffee, I saw you drive away both times without saying hi. Let’s make it three in a row 

Bought your socks (Midlothian)

We met for coffee….you didnt like coffee…rather you preferred tea. I bought your socks. I wanted to buy more but got cold feet. No pun intended. Still there? Tell me something so I know it is you. 

Sock and barefoot run

Im looking for a few women to go run with me in barefeet or socks. For info please message.

Time for a change (Chesapeake)

Do you feel taken for granted ? Yeah , me too. I used to look forward to my day , I’d get up with a smile on my face and a skip in my step. But my situation doesn’t allow for that anymore. I’m made to feel unwanted and unheard. My voice doesn’t matter anymore. And , for some reason , I’ve sat around and done nothing about it ! Now is the time for change. I know my smile is out there somewhere , do you have it ?

You were my sister’s babysitter (Moyock)

Thank you for watching them so we could go to a birthday dinner.

You and I can go together next time.

Tell me that it’s over, now that you have found me

Going out with a bang
Meet me in the morning, wrap your arms around me
Tell me that it’s over, now that you have found me
Walk me to the river, see the willow bowing
Carry me into the water, now we’re drowning
We’re going out with a bang
We’re going to go home again
kik me angieguess

Walmart – Sunday night (Charlottesville)

Long time no see..could not talk but so wanted a hug and just go off….and be alone.

We used to meet in Louisa…

Hope you see this and reach out…

I’m a guy..your a guy…

Great to see you again!

Saw you at the Walmart on 29 North (Charlottesville)

I was there on Saturday. You’re cute, my guess is you’re in your 30s, or maybe even your early 40s but if so you’re in great shape! We were in the aisles between the groceries and the electronics section. I admit I shopped for some things I didn’t need, just to check you out. We passed each in the aisles a couple of times, and you smiled and we both said hello, but we kept walking past each other. That’s where I messed up. I should have chatted and seen if you were interested in meeting up somewhere later.

I know it’s a long shot that you’ll see this, but if you do drop me an email and maybe we can meet up for lunch, a drink, a hike, or whatever you’d like to do.

Bowtie Beauty

This is for the sexy ass girl with the sexy truck at Target. I was parked next to you and we joked about how tight the parking spaces are. I bet they aren’t the only thing that’s tight. I’d love to meet up and climb up in that truck and show you a good time.


Saw you in southside. You said your name was Jazz. I wanted to ask you out, but you were on the phone. You are absolutely gorgeous and I would love to get to know you better.

Kellyn…my Lyft passenger (Richmond)

I dont know if you were Kellyn or not, that’s just who requested the ride. But you were the blonde that sat in the front seat. We talked about the waffle house challenge. I dropped you and your friends off at Siné. You are gorgeous. Like seriously gave me butterflies when you got in the car…that beautiful. I doubt you’ll even see this but I thought I’d give it a shot. Hope you and your friends had a good night and got home safe.

Nate the great (Dinwiddie)

Nate have not heard from you in while. I missed you before you went to a recovery center. Forgot to tell you I was the artist. I want to make this life up to you I am brought on to you.

Continental on Grove outside (Goochland)

You were setting outside when I came in and set next to you thought you were Beautiful and then you left 🙁

Bike girl on river trail by YMCA (Waynesboro)

You were a very pretty girl sitting on a bench near the YMCA end on the river trail with your feet over your bicycle messing with your phone. I was in jeans and a blue tshirt with an NES ball cap, walking with my friend, her white and black dog, and her son riding a razor scooter. Thought our eyes met for a sec and we both kinda smiled and giggled. Wish I had the time to stop and say hi, ask your name and if you wanted to go out sometime. Maybe we still can? Contact me please.

Sexy short jogger

We passed each other today (on foot) and you exclaimed, “Look! There’s a rainbow!”. If you’re single and interested in fooling around, respond with the name of the street in the subject. Hope to hear from you.

Cable Install

You installed my cable. Bear guy here but you were flirty or so I thought. Love to talk more.

Chesterfield Courthouse (Chesterfield)

To the young lady in the black and white plaid dress getting into your car, very sexy smile. You made my day. Wish I could see that everyday.

Beautiful big boob blond at Kroger (Mechanicsville)

Omg, love your big boobs, my kinda of gal!! Let’s play!! Discreet, tall and hung

Sexy blonde in the skull shirt (Forest Hill)

We chatted about your pet today. Oh my goodness you are hot 💋. Only my being at work kept me from asking you out…

Zumiez Chesterfield Towne Center F4M (Chesterfield, VA)

You work at Zumiez and have glasses with a clear frame. You are considerably younger than me, but I wouldn’t mind having a drink or two with you…..

Ashland Wal-mart Godiva choc

If you see this (Godiva lady)I would like to talk more about chocolate and other interesting topics. I just didn’t have time that day…….seeking older woman FWB email me

Saw you at Little Caesars (Colonial Heights)

You were the girl getting out of the passenger side of a vehicle to go into Little Caesars in Colonial Heights this past Tuesday evening. You had light colored hair (blonde or light brown I think) and you were wearing tights. You were really pretty. I’m the guy who got into the driver’s side of the car next to yours. You and I smiled at each other a couple of times. If this sounds like you and you remember me, send me a message.

You prefer baseball (Norfolk)

We met in the gym and you said you preferred baseball when I asked if you wanted me to leave to football game on TV. It was fun meeting you, would love to chat more. I’m a guy and you’re female…

Tarrant’s (23227)

A super nice waiter. Didn’t have him, but cute and charming. We talked at the front.

Young lady at C&F bank, Varina (Varina/ Sandston)

I’m looking for a young lady that was at the C&F bank in Varina a few weeks ago. You were driving a older honda, dark green with a spoiler on the back. I can remember your smile as you were leaving. I would love to chat, hope somehow this works!

Patient 1st (Mechanicsville)

You were seated on the parking lot side of the waiting area not far from the front door. You had on jeans and uggs. You look to be 20. Tall and thin. Black I stopped in front of you to get your attention but you were texting. Hit me back so we can chat.

crabby/We broke up a couple years back (virginia beach)

You- military, tall, impatient, from a small town

Me-civilian, used to be wild, from a smaller town

I have been having dreams lately of you. Since we don’t speak anymore it worries me. You have a job in the navy that would worry anyone who cared about you. I’m afraid that the dreams are some weird indication that you are in trouble. I know its none of my business anymore but I woke up this morning sobbing, fearing that you were dead. We have both moved on so I guess there isnt much to say other than I pray you’re alive and well but equally I miss you and hope you’re miserable. btw your biggest pet peeve when it came to me was among the things I’ve tried to change since we split and thanks to you it almost got me killed. So clearly I am not meant to be a punctual person. I know we both prefer country but if you ever get a chance and you want to give me 5 mins of your time again, listen to Rush- by Lewis Capaldi

-someone who still loves the past

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